DYAD is an upcoming indie action/adventure 2D animated musical series. The story follows twins Mo and Bruce Riggs, two of the last living descendants of a man named Percy Royce who had inherited the most powerful form of magic known to their planet and passed it down through the generations. The family, once known for their heroic deeds and for vanquishing their kingdom’s greatest foe, Delanath, to an isolated prison, the family has fallen from grace following Mo and Bruce’s mom having fallen in love with a mortal man as opposed to a mage, and their elder brother, Jack’s, betrayal of the kingdom following their parents’ death. The twins seek to restore their family’s name to what it once was, but this will be no simple task, between having to lead a double life on Avovalyn and Earth, learning to master their powers, and keeping their rambunctious little sister, Selena, in line…all while Delanath’s plan to bring a prophecy, which–if fulfilled–would ensure his freedom, is coming closer and closer to fruition.
About the Position:
Background artists are currently being hired on to help with work on our miniseries, “DYAD Shorts,” which are short-form minisodes that hint at main plot points of the main series. DYAD Shorts will consist of 6 minisodes, 2 of which are currently in the stage of production where they are ready for background work, so work will be available immediately upon acceptance for this position. If you are interested in fantasy/sci-fi artwork, this position is for you. Experience in past productions isn’t necessary, however, a portfolio displaying your past artworks is.
Pay Rates:
All prices listed here are BASE prices. Price can increase depending on the complexity any given background would require.
Interior Backgrounds
Up Close Shot
Far Shot
Exterior Backgrounds
Far Shot
We will do our best to give you an update about the status of your application as quickly as we can, though please allow up to a week before inquiring about the status of your application.
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